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betty is a excellent tutor who knows the subject of finance very well. She answers every question with ease and is nice highly recommended.



Amazing tutor who is very knowledge about finance. Was helpful and easy to follow. Most definitely using her services again. Thank you!


Los Angeles

I had an amazing experience with Betty. She's the best tutor I ever worked with. She explains very well and is very friendly and knowledgeable. Also she's punctual and respond to the texts very fast. Awesome tutor!



I had an amazing experience with Betty! I did a written lesson and Betty provided step by step instructions to help me solve the problems. By the end of the lesson, I learned more from Betty than my course textbook and professor! Extremely patient and willing to give extra help on anything that confuses you! Will definitely be coming back



Had an amazing experience with Betty. Super reliable and fast. Would definitely recommend and I will be using her services again in preparation for future corporate finance classes!



I had a really good experience durint a private tutorial. She helped me to understand the concepts and the logic used in sovling problems. Even if I have no more question, she did not rush to end the session. Very supportive person with good knowldege.


New York, NY

I never thought finance could be so enjoyable! Thanks to Betty, I got an amazing grade on my finance class and I enjoyed doing it. I recommend these tutoring sessions to anyone, even to somebody who can easily understand math, because the tutor knows so much about finance that the learning process speeds up significantly. My only regret is that I wish I had started taking tutoring lessons with Betty from the beginning of the semester – it would’ve saved me multiple sleepless nights and hours trying to figure out the textbook. Oh! and she is also super nice and punctual. Great experience.

Victoria Dunn


Betty is one of the best tutors I ever worked with. She was patient, knowledgeable and made Finance so fun; I looked forward to our sessions. She breaks Finance down into manageable chunks so it is not intimidating and you become empowered to solve the equations. I can't recommend her enough! If you have regular sessions with Betty, you should end up with a firm foundation in mastery of Finance concepts. Really, really awesome tutor!

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